What the hell, Bryan. I am not going to say I had gay sex with Hulk Hogan just to lessen his chances of winning. You selfish son of a bitch! What about my friends, my family? Did you ever think of that? No, you didn't. God, if it wasn't for all the underage prostit -- if it wasn't for all the money, I'd walk out on this shitty job right now.
No, I'm not going to say -- goddamn it.
In fall of 2005, Hulk Hogan and I engaged in a lengthy love affair. We had sexual intercourse numerous times, and I was totally the chick in it -- WHAT THE FUCK! Byan, you son of a bitch, don't make me say this! Don't... oh Jesus. Oh Jesus, put the gun down. Please, this isn't worth it. We can talk about this. We can -- Um... the love affair continued off an on for several months and I was totally the girl. Hulk Hogan raped me. This is absolutely true and not made up to make him look bad. I swear!
In his spare time, Wenger totally gets rogered by dudes.
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