By Eddie Bishop, Brother to the Imperial Overlord of Bryan Bishop's Adventure Island
Oh my God, dude, you're at like work and shit and I so guessed your password. "IloveTabitha." Who the fuck is Tabitha? Is that that Mexican chick? Dude, you don't want to go out with a Mexican chick, her brothers will steal your tires while you're in bed with her! HAHAHAHA! God I'm funny.
So anyway, what is this? You're still doing that fake screenwriting thing? Man, what a dumbass. I'm so going to post on it just to make you look stupid. Hey, look at me, I'm Bryan Bishop, I'm a big fat dumbass. Hur hur hur I like boys. Ha ha! Now they'll think you're a huge fag.
Let's see, what is this? Hey, it's Pamela Anderson. Man, I'd tag her shit. And Hollywood Hogan and some child molestor. What is this? Mayoral Election? Oh my God, dude, oh my God. There's a fake town and shit? There's a fake town that goes with the fake screenwriting? Seriously? Shit, dude, that's weak.
Oh dude, I'm so votin' for Pam Anderson. Look at those tits! I don't care if they are fake, I want to just bury my face in 'em. You can't get hepatitis from doing the MOTORBOAT! HAHAHAHAHA! "WEDDING CRASHERS" REFERENCE, GET IT! GET IT! Ah, you're all a bunch of dumbshits.
Dude, if you're going to be such a dickstain, why don't you change your name so people can't google this and find your dumb ass? How about "Princess Bluenuts?" HAHAHAHA! Oh man, you are such a dumb fuck. And I'm totally drinking like three of your beers. If you want beer so bad, why don't you get TABBY to get you some more! HAHAHA! BRYAN AND TABBY, SITTIN' IN A TREE! F-U-C-K-I-N-G! HAHAHAHA! You'd get bark all over your ass, dude.
So yeah, anyway, I'm going to sign off now, "bros." Keep it "real" and keep doing what you're doing, while I keep doing what I'm doing: being hot shit and cooler than all of you. High five... NOT! Oh my God, dude, you totally thought I was going to high five you. Oh my God, dude.
Eddie Bishop is still a big jerk face.
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